Does Bored Jobs manage all of the NFTs listed on the Bored Jobs site?
No. There are 50,000+ NFTs on the site, and we will never be able to manage them all. In some cases, we have communicated with specific Bored Apes, Mutant Apes, Gutter Gang, and World Of Women owners through past work with them. In other cases, we are handling the IP rights for certain NFTs. But for a vast majority of the 50,000, we have no official connection. Although, in many cases, we can open lines of communication with the Bored Ape, Mutant Ape, Gutter Gang, World Of Women, Azuki, Doodle, Otherdeed, or Cool Cat NFT on behalf of brands. This ability to reach owners is essential as there is no standard way of contacting many Bored Ape, Mutant Ape, Gutter Gang, World Of Women, Azuki, Doodle, Otherdeed, or Cool Cat NFT owners, especially as many are anonymous.
You've contacted the Bored Jobs team about wanting to hire a specific Bored Ape, Mutant Ape, Gutter Gang, World Of Women, Azuki, Doodle, Otherdeed, or Cool Cat NFT. What is next?
First off, congratulations and welcome to the future! Our team will review your submission and the specifics of your project. Our teams will reach out to confirm the review and ask any specific questions we might have before determining if this is an appropriate fit. Once we've established with you, we will begin reaching out to the respective Bored Apes, Mutant Apes, Gutter Gang, and World Of Women NFT owners and confirm whether they are interested. We will keep your brand information confidential if you wish until we've received confirmation from the owner after reviewing the available details about the project, payment, legal, terms, etc. Once it seems all parties are interested, we will move to connect you to the NFT owner directly. As noted many times, NFT owners are unreachable, but we will do our best. Communication obstacles result from the nature of the NFT space and the owners' anonymity.
What does Bored Jobs charge?
We don't charge anything while helping you get in touch with Bored Apes, Mutant Apes, Gutter Gang, and World Of Women. Instead, once we've finalized your deal, we take a flat 15% fee from the total. These fees support our outreach efforts to brands and outreach efforts to NFT owners and allow us to invest in the subsequent versions of our platforms and in standardized legal forms to lower the costs of every transaction for the parties involved.
I own Bored Ape, Mutant Ape, Gutter Gang, World Of Women, Azuki, Doodle, Otherdeed, or Cool Cat NFT listed on Bored Jobs, and I've submitted a claim on this ape; what is next?
Let us start by saying how excited we are to help you along this journey! First, our team will review the initial information you've sent. Next, we will begin a simple verification process by ensuring that the Bored Ape, Mutant Ape, Gutter Gang, World Of Women, Azuki, Doodle, Otherdeed, or Cool Cat NFT you are requesting to claim is in the wallet address you've listed. While this will be the first step in the verification process, it will not be the last. Before you have facilitated a deal on our platform, you will be required to sign a message from the wallet holding the ape confirming that you are indeed the owner. We know how sensitive this process can be for any ape owners, and we take it very seriously. Once in contact with our team, we will begin to work with you to understand what types of projects you wish for your Bored Ape, Mutant Ape, Gutter Gang, World Of Women, Azuki, Doodle, Otherdeed, or Cool Cat NFT to be a part of and what kinds of projects you don't want. We will work with you to understand the minimum rates you would like to charge and the types of licensing agreements you are interested in (non-exclusive/exclusive, perpetual, one-time, etc.). This information will help us drive business your way if a brand is looking to hire Bored Ape, Mutant Ape, Gutter Gang, World Of Women, Azuki, Doodle, Otherdeed, or Cool Cat NFT that matches your profile.
What type of assistance do you guys offer during the process?
A lot! The Bored Jobs team has begun to invest in a legal framework that simplifies the signing of a contract between a brand and Bored Apes, Mutant Apes, Gutter Gang, and World Of Women owners. Since this process is so new, very few best practices exist, and both parties can spend a lot of time, money, and energy on their agreements. We aim to cut down on complications and costs in this process. For most Bored Apes, Mutant Apes, Gutter Gang, and World Of Women owners, you might have little experience licensing anything before, let alone an NFT. Our team will push to guide you through the process and add valuable expertise whenever possible. For brands, we will help translate the concerns of the Bored Ape community as they learn about this process.
Additionally, as one of the most experienced in bringing Bored Apes, Mutant Apes, and World Of Women to life through animation, we can help you through the best processes during this stage. If your company requires a more hands-on approach, we can provide end-to-end consulting services for an additional fee. This service can include finding Bored Apes, Mutant Apes, Gutter Gang, and World Of Women that match your needs, handling the creative, and finalizing the deal terms directly.
Do you plan to add any other NFTs?
In short, yes, we do. Our first goal was to launch with specific NFT collections so that we can build a solid base from which to grow. From here, we plan to add numerous NFT collections over time. Since each NFT group has its legal terms, community needs, and strategy, we need to work hand in hand with each collection to ensure we have all parties' best interests in mind.
MouseBelt 2022. All rights reserved.